Adding a Tool Offset to a Position Register

  • Robot Controller R-30iB Plus.

    Is there a math operator that can add a tool offset to a PR[#]. The geometric operator in Kuka allows this transformation but i cant seem to find the same in Fanuc.

    I have used the tool offset option in a move command to get there, but this time, i would like to calculate and save the final position without moving there.


  • There is, but the option is in Karel. The operator is ":". There is also the Karel program MMULT, that you can call which will multiply 2 PRs together, and place the result into a 3rd PR. That is a part of the vision support package, but it is an option of course.

    Check out the Fanuc position converter I wrote here! Now open source!

    Check out my example Fanuc Ethernet/IP Explicit Messaging program here!

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