Hello, so I have an urgent situation. The place I work for recently purchased a used KR16 with a controller running KRC2. We are trying to use this robot for applying a coating to very complex surfaces. Our original plan was to use offline programming through our CAM department. But the software we are using (ROBODK) is not sophisticated enough to write a program for our application. Mostly that it does not have collision avoidance.
SO the responsibility has fallen to me to manually write a program, use 2 lines of linear position movements and then loop those lines and shift.
My experience is with MOTOMAN on older robots and I was able to do roughly the same job with these older motomans. Unfortunately those robots are not ideal for this situation and we had just happened to purchase the KR16. Right now, if I could use the motoman I would, so far the programming seems way more user friendly.
I have done extensive research into programming this KUKA but I have been continually been running into problems.
My first question is, is it possible to do loops and shifts in a regular (non-expert) program? I have been trying to input the following codes with no success;
FOR N=1 TO 4
Whenever I put these in, I get an error message saying (object is not available)
I also haven't figured out how to shift either.
I have tried making an expert module but whenever I input the lines;
It also says those lines of code are (object is not available).
Is it possible to write expert programs faster than having to input each line of code, whenever I try to copy more that 2 lines of code and paste it, it will disappear.
And yes before some of you ask, I have read the read first. I have not taken any training programs(if I could I would, but my workplace will not send us for it right now) as well I do not have time to take anymore training or get better software, this job is due and I need to get it done.
If someone could also give me input on how to shift the robot, that would be great.
I have attached a copy of the program I am using in non expert mode.