I'm a newbie to Yaskawa robots and this environment, but I will work on this robot's mark so I am collecting data.
I want to prepare a Python script to read data (only read, I don't want to control robot) from robot, such as current position, robot status, chosen program etc. I've found an information that there is an Ethernet Server and High-Speed Ethernet Server. So I have a couple of questions:
- is this paid option?
- is this available for every controller (DX200, YRC1000, FS100)
- is this option configured to work by default?
- if not, can I do it by myself, or will a service visit be required?
- do you have any code examples of this type communication?
- are there any free options to download this data? I thought about any industrial protocol (MODBUS, EIP, Profibus) but I'm not sure I any of them are standard?