Does anybody have examples of uses for string and flag variables in the YRC1000 controllers? I feel like there has to be some good utility in them but I can't find any documentation for their application. I asked a guy in partner support and even he wasn't sure ...
YRC1000 String and Flag Variables
Christopher Bryson -
December 10, 2022 at 4:35 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
Just searched more info about the Flag, since I got curious.
As I've inderstood, the flag can be used to combine different informations from inputs, bytes, integers..... and set the flag that way. Havent found anything in the CIO manual about the flags, But I think that using the system job you could make it cyclic.About the strings, I think that it is just to make it nice and more readable. Maybe just showing in IF panel...
String variables can be used in conjunction with the MSG and SETUALM commands.
Set FL005 LOGICEXP B000=2 OR B002=5
When the content of B000 is 2 or B002 is 5 the Flag FL005 becomes ON
If B030=10 then
Set D061 TM000
Set FL001 LOGICEXP (D061<17500)
In this case FL001 becomes ON