The KRC 2 .src file is not recognized as a program file

  • Code
    Thank you for responding)). I created it in Powermill, created a folder on the D drive at work, expanded it and opened it on the computer and pasted the file folder there, later at work I also copied and pasted it into the R1 folder
  • later at work I also copied and pasted it into the R1 folder

    How? Details matter. You must copy it within HMI of robot from 'somewhere' (like drive D) into the robot folder.

    Please don't use code tag for normal text in a post. I know sometimes the forum software does this when you copy text into the thread, but it's a bit disturbing and confusing.

  • must use HMI to transfer files to KRC:\

    that is the RAM drive and windows does not have access to it.

    if you leave files in suitable path on the harddrive, reboot is necessary. if they are valid KRL files, KSS will transfer them to RAM drive and compile them (that is when icons change). if they are not valid KRL modules, compilation will not take place and icons will remain as text files.

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  • Quote
    Скопируйте файлы, а не папку.

    I tried so and so.

    Please don't quote me in a language and with an alphabet that I don't know! That is not a quote!

    One tryout: In your src delete all extra blank lines at beginning of the file until 'def Test_ ....'

  • необходимо использовать HMI для передачи файлов в KRC:\

    то есть RAM-диск, и Windows не имеет к нему доступа.

    если вы оставляете файлы по правильному пути на жестком диске, необходима перезагрузка. если они являются допустимыми файлами KRL, KSS перенесет их на RAM-диск и скомпилирует их (то есть, когда меняются значки). если они не являются действительными модулями KRL, компиляция не будет выполнена, а значки останутся в виде текстовых файлов.

    On disk D, it looks like this, but when I copy it to the robot system, there, as you noted, on the second file, they save those files as text files.

  • On disk D, it looks like this, but when I copy it to the robot system, there, as you noted, on the second file, they save those files as text files.

    when files are not on RAM drive, icons are shown based on file extension.

    when files are on RAM drive, icons are shown based on extension as well as compilation status.

    if you were transferring files to RAM drive using HMI but their icons are not shown correctly, file content is not recognized as valid KRL module and therefore it could not be compiled. there may be invisible characters or extra lines that fool compiler. as hermann suggested, try removing everything before DEF and DEFDAT lines. those will be recreated by KSS during compilation.

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  • когда файлы находятся не на RAM-диске, значки отображаются в зависимости от расширения файла.

    когда файлы находятся на RAM-диске, значки отображаются в зависимости от расширения, а также состояния компиляции.

    если вы переносили файлы на RAM-накопитель с помощью HMI, но их значки отображаются неправильно, содержимое файла не распознается как действительный модуль KRL и, следовательно, не может быть скомпилировано. могут быть невидимые символы или лишние строки, которые обманывают компилятор. как предложил Германн, попробуйте удалить все перед строками DEF и DEFDAT. они будут воссозданы KSS во время компиляц

    Спасибо, сегодня вечером пойду и попробую использовать всю информацию отсюда, и нужно ли еще перезагружать робота после копирования файлов на Неву? Подскажите, может что-то еще можно перебить в настройках робота Powermill?

  • last warning... this forum is an ENGLISH forum...

    if you continue to ignore this and keep on posting here in other languages, you will be banned. if you insist on using other languages, no problem, there are forum sections for other languages too. you are welcome to post there:

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    if you are not familiar with ENGLISH but want your posts appear in ENGLISH section, it is YOUR responsibility to have them translated. there are plenty of options that can help:

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    so put some effort or else.

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  • I'm sorry, that's what I did, when I clicked send, it automatically translated for me again, I'll be careful and fix it, I'll turn off automatic translators, thank you.

  • when files are not on RAM drive, icons are shown based on file extension.

    when files are on RAM drive, icons are shown based on extension as well as compilation status.

    if you were transferring files to RAM drive using HMI but their icons are not shown correctly, file content is not recognized as valid KRL module and therefore it could not be compiled. there may be invisible characters or extra lines that fool compiler. as hermann suggested, try removing everything before DEF and DEFDAT lines. those will be recreated by KSS during compilation.

    Thanks, tonight I'll go and try to use all the information from here, and do I still need to restart the robot after copying the files to the Neva? Tell me, maybe something else can be interrupted in the settings of the Powermill robot?

  • don't know what you mean by Neva. if you transfer files from D:\ to KRC:\ using robot HMI there is no need to restart, you should see compilation result right away - or couple of seconds, depending on file size (may take longer when global declarations are encountered).

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