I am having trouble getting a (Brand name:) Sick laser range finder to give a valid analog input to the Controller. Using the device with digital search patterns works, but analog searches return a "THSR-045 Analog input not Calibrated" error. I have tried several solutions but nothing seems to work.
Syst Settings:
Touch Schedule:
- search pattern: Fillet/Lap (simple also tested, does not work)
- pattern type: 1_D Shift (all search patterns attempted, none work)
- Touch Sensing Type: Laser Sensor
- Laser Z Inv Signal: OFF
Touch I/O Setup:
- Touch Sensing Type: Laser Sensor
- Sensor Port Type: AI -- DI functions correctly, need AI for certain measurements
- Circuit Port Type: RO -- Default Value, Couldn't find anything to indicate this needs changed
Calibration files: loaded into FRS: file drive, I have verified the laser settings match the calibration file
TH_CALIBL.DT -- renamed clone of TH_CALIB.DT to see if it was a name mismatch
"TH_SENSOR" port type: 3 (analog),
"TH_SENSORL" port type: 3 (analog), -- I do not know why there is a TH_SENORL and TH_SENSOR file, but "Touch I/O Setup" is linked to TH_SENSORL, not TH_SENSOR
"TH_LASER" FALSE -- I have no idea what this variable does and cant find any info on it
Laser: Laser operates correctly, as given by correct operation in Digital mode, and the integrated screen on the laser reads the correct distance for the Analog value being sent to the control box
Sick Laser: OD1-B100H50I25