Fanuc HMI dropdownlist

  • Hi there!

    I'm trying to create a dropdownlist with multiple users.

    As we know, the buttons in the hmi works with activex and they can send data to registers.

    Is there a way to get data from a html dropdownlist and send it to a register?

    For example;


    <form method="post">

    <select name="Select1" style="height: 25px; left: 0px; top: 0px;" id="select1" class="dropdown" contenteditable="true">

    <option selected="">USER</option>










    <object classid="clsid:71060660-0E45-11D3-81B6-0000E206D650" id="FRIPEditBox1">

    <param name="Caption" value="">

    <param name="FontSize" value="14">

    <param name="width" value="100">

    <param name="height" value="50">

    <param name="DataType" value="101"> <----sends data to a numeric register

    <param name="DataIndex" value="180"> <-----in this example, sends it to numeric register 180

    <param name="Interval" value="250">

    <param name="TrueFont" value="1">

    <param name="FastLoad" value="1">

    <param name="ValueMin" value="1">

    <param name="ValueMax" value="32">


    Is there a way to get that data from a activeX object, "Data type" and "DataIndex" to a dropdownlist in html?

  • Now i stumbled into the Karel world and tested the "Hello world" thing and it worked fine when i called it from a program. I tested this in Roboguide and generated a .pc file from a .kl file.

    Also there is this ComboBox that should populate a dropdownlist from a .kl file or a .pc file or what file?... But i do not understand how to get it work.

    I copied the code from the Karel manual but it does not populate the list.

    These are the codes i copied and tested, without success;



    [1] *uninit*

    [2] 'Red' <= value 1

    [3] 'Blue' <= value 2

    [4] 'Green' <= value 3

    [5] ‘Yellow’ <= value 4

    [6] *uninit*


    “Red” * value will be set to 1
    “Blue” * value will be set to 2

    “Green” * value will be set to 3

    “Yellow” * value will be set to 4

    “\a” * specifies end of list

    Do these codes need something more so that they will populate a list?

    It would be really nice if the"html" dropdownlist could do the same as the activeX element!

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