Hello All
How Can I open Robot backup on process simulate ?
When I open robot programs the point come to cell orjin.
Hello All
How Can I open Robot backup on process simulate ?
When I open robot programs the point come to cell orjin.
If it´s a Kuka Robot then first go to the "robot proberties" and initialize your RCS then select the robot and open the "robot setup".
There is a button called "Load Robot Backup".
After that you can browse for your .zip file and click finished
Hi @sx5858,
What is your robot brand?
Hello Mr. Lenon
Fanuc and Kuka
Robi3 is correct on the steps for importing Fanuc backups.
Be sure when you're exporting a Fanuc backup from the teach pendant, you're exporting from the (MD:). This will put various encrypted files in a readable state for Process Simulate. Once you export the backup from the teach pendant, be sure to zip it. Then proceed to import it with Process Simulate.
Each brand procedure is different. REad procedures written in manual.
Robi3 is correct on the steps for importing Fanuc backups.
Be sure when you're exporting a Fanuc backup from the teach pendant, you're exporting from the (MD:). This will put various encrypted files in a readable state for Process Simulate. Once you export the backup from the teach pendant, be sure to zip it. Then proceed to import it with Process Simulate.
how can you export to MD? Mine said it`s protected
how can you export to MD? Mine said it`s protected
You need to export FROM MD: (read MD: contents)
Not TO MD: (write on MD:)