Got called over to one of our IRC5 M2004 laser weld cells this morning. The Tech had performed a warm start and now the pendant goes through its initial boot up and then just shows a loading screen and says "Connecting to Controller". Looking at the Computer Unit in the controller I've noticed the Main Computer Status LED is staying Solid Red. Reading the troubleshooting manual it indicates a faulty disk. Are there any extra troubleshooting steps I can take to verify this and what would be the best way to remediate this issue? ABB has been called but this cell is a critical piece of equipment and needs to get up and running asap.
IRC5 M2004 Failing boot up. Solid Red Main Computer Status LED
ericwiz7923 -
November 28, 2022 at 3:53 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
November 28, 2022 at 4:15 PM Moved the thread from forum Manuals, Software and Tools for ABB Robots to forum ABB Robot Forum. -
The DSQC639 CPU sometimes fails to boot after it's been turned off. This due to components aging and out-of-tolerance. You can sometimes temporarily resurrect the CPU by gently warming it with a heat gun (do not heat the CF card) and then power it up. This will give you an opportunity to get a good backup and maybe run some more production while waiting for a backup.
Here are a couple of older threads that may help, >here< and >here<.