Hi everyone. I'm very new to the KUKA world, so sorry if the following are some trivial questions but I can't solve this problem even after reading a lot of KUKA documentation.
I need to import a real cell in a virtual environment. To do so I need to take an existing robot solution developed on a controller with firmware 8.5.8 and make it compatible with Officelite 8.6.2 (which is our version of Officelite).
The following option packages where part of the original project:
Of these Option Packages only the LoadDataDetermination has copatibility with KSS 8.6.2, so I kept that one.
The first thing I did was exporting the partial solution of the original project with all the hardware and importing it on the controller running 8.6.2 firmware. The configuration appears to me to be identical.
However, when I generate the code, I obtain a KRC/STEU/Mada/$custom.dat file with errors within it:
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Even though I copied 2 initialization for each array, all the 32 elements of each array are initialized as described above. This code generates errors since the types
$OPC_PAR_----_T aren't defined.
I checked in the original project and these types (or structure, more precisely) are defined in a KRC:\$OPERATE.dat, which is a write-only file which doesn't appear in the file tree.
Since I couldn't include almost any of the optionals which where in the original project, I thought that was the reason those types are missing in my solution. Also, I did not configure the KUKA Safe part, while this was done in the original project.
I could try to eliminate those lines of code and get rid of the errors, but I've been trying to modify system .dat files for a few days now and figured out it only brings problem if you don't know what you are doing.
I would like to add that in the KRC/STEU/Mada folder there's a $machine.dat file which I have no clue from where it comes from.
My final attempt was:
Creation of a copy of the 8.6.2 project with imported hardware configuration, deletion of the files .dat which would be generated with code + the mysterious $machine.dat file in the STEU/Mada folder, generation of code. Unfortunately I tried to upload this on Officelite but everytime I received different error message and, in the end, Officelite collapsed.
Finally, what do you suggest I should do now? What would be your way of updating an old project to make it compatible with a newer version of the KSS?
Also, after each of my attempts, Officelite always gave me some warnings, but I'd tackle that problem once I don't have any coding error in my files...