Hi All.
I'm working on a Stacking robot that the customer wants to add a height offset of 10mm for everytime the robot drops a part. I haven't spent a lot of time with a kuka, but I hope i can get this to work. will the following work?
(Pos1) top of the stack
(Pos2) bottom of the stack
(Pos3) offset temp
(INT A) layers count
(INT B) offset measurement.
(INT C) temp
PLC is doing the batch counting $IN(3308)
robot acknowledge that the signal was received. $OUT(3342)
if $IN(3308) == true then //devicenet input
PULSE($OUT[3342] , 1) // pulseoutput signal to show plc robot reset the stacking
POS3 = POS2 // restore the temp position to the set point
A = 0 // restore int to 0
A = A + 1 // add layer
C = A * B //multiply layer height
LIN Pos3(a1 0, a2 0, a3 C, a4 0, a5 0, a6 0) //new position
PTP Pos1 //go back to top and cycle....
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