RW 6.13.04
Option 1125-2 SafeMove Pro
Safety Controller is Synchronized
I'm currently setting up a new IRB6700, and I'm moving the robot into a safe zone with a tool position supervision active. As I jog towards the zone, I'm getting an event message that I've never seen before:
Instead of the tool geometry actually colliding with the zone wall, it stops just before and gives this message. The system remains in the MOTORS ON state, and I can jog away from the zone, but I cannot continue through the zone, even after letting go of the enabling device and re-enabling it.
Previously, if the tool violated a zone I would get this message:
Then I would let go of the enabling device, re-enable it, and then continue through the zone. These are the properties for the supervision, which I've verified are identical to the properties from a robot that can jog through violations:
I've read through the SafeMove 2 manual as well as the release notes for the past few versions of RobotWare, but I can't find any record of this behavior.