Hello! Tell me where to find the GSD for the kawasaki E40F-A001 module serial number RS0100748?
Daigo Saito -
October 5, 2022 at 5:06 AM -
Thread is Unresolved
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Kawasaki uses HMS Anybus boards (generally) which have certain firmware levels contained, therefore specific files compatible for those firmware levels are recommended.
Requesting others to post versions of these files, may result in you receiving older/obsolete/incompatible versions, so to ensure you have the latest version, please make request to your local Kawasaki distributor, the files are free and should be available upon request.
When an OEM offers these files, they are usually provided as they have been tested and verified under a conformance certificate, therefore the OEM is preferred to contact for these files to ensure latest compatibility.
I am using this gsdml for the robot with input/output module 32 bytes and it is working fine for me.