Hello everyone,
First of all, I searched on this forum for similar thread, but I didn't find anything to help.
So, I want to retrieve the contact stop statues of my fanuc CR7-ia/L, if it's on the "SAFE" state or on the "STOP" state. I want these statues to be retrieve in outputs.
If you're wondering why I want to do this, it's because every time I start up my robot the contact stop is on "STOP" and I want to confirm the payload to set it on "SAFE" and I want it to be on output because, then I could confirm my payload with the help of my HMI. So whenever the contact stop is on "STOP", my HMI will see that my DO will be on or off, depends on which state I will be working on. Then, confirm my payload by setting a DI to ON.
Further information of my robot if needed : CR-7iA/L V9.30P/24 System R-30iB Mate Plus
Thanks for reading my request.