KUKA KRC5 Offline Programming System - Issue with Ping

  • Model: KUKA KRC5 KSS 8.7 Office PC, KRC5 Micro OPS

    I am facing problem with KLI connection between my laptop (Windows 10) and the OPS system (Windows 10).

    When both systems are connected via dynamic IP and direct cable connection, Work visual can identify the machine and load the project. From my laptop, I can find the dynamic IP assigned to my laptop and the Standard gateway. But when I repeat the same procedure in Office PC, I get the virtual adapter port details of KUKA HMI.

    But, when a static ip is configured between the two system, the device cannot be located.

    I cannot ping to the configured IP either.

    Currently, I need the ip address of the machine to configure Ultra VNC and test with OPC UA Clients.

    Has anyone faced similar problem and solved ?

  • I set the standard ones

    192.168.100.xx, subnetmask : Default gateway same as IP address.

    Should I be doing any pre configuration in the KRC5 OPS system ?

    The system contains 8 RJ45 ports but I donot see any relevant ethernet adapters in the Network connections, except the virtual adapter for KUKA HMI (

  • Setting IPV4 Adapter option as Dynamic IP on the Laptop and on the KUKA side allows me to open the WoV project file from KUKA OPC. Here, my laptop assigns IP over standard gateway

    But when I try to repeat the same with fixed ip, I cannot open the project file.

    Tried unblocking the Ping port in Firewall. But unsuccessful.

  • it is done exactly the same way as on real robot controller... and you need to connect cable to KLI port. for details see relevant documentation or simply run continuous PING (with a -t or /t parameter) while you try connecting cable to each of the 8 ports.

    the port you use now is KSI which is why you can connect when DHCP is active. KSI port works as DHCP server and issues an IP address to your laptop.

    KLI port is one of others and it can too be configured to use DHCP but this is different - it is only a client so YOU would need to have a DHCP server to give it an IP address.

    1) read pinned topic: READ FIRST...

    2) if you have an issue with robot, post question in the correct forum section... do NOT contact me directly

    3) read 1 and 2

  • By default you only have XF8, XF1 and XF5 activated(KEB, KLI, and KSI). The other ports should have to be purchased separately by KUKA Tech Package. In the case of Roboteam or ConveyorTech, the Daisy ports can be utilized without any options, but to switch those to a KLI port extension, you still need a KOP file.

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