Delta robot M-3 iA 6A with old control cabinet: R-30iA Mate: can I send the comments for the IO and registers via FileZilla?

  • Hi all,

    I have done all the programming using the 30 days Roboguide license.

    That license is still active (for a few days more).

    But I have it installed in a virtual machine that can't ping the robot controller (the host computer can).

    Is there any way I can send the IO, R, ... comments to the robot via FileZilla?

    I've managed to compile the text files to send them to the robot, but I can't find a way to send the comments to the robot...

    As always thank you in advance.

  • You could just save off the files individually and then load them in via usb.

    DIOCFGSV.IO for IO comments, and rack configurations.

    NUMREG.VR for register comments, and values.

    POSREG.VR for position register comments, and values.

    STRREG.VR for string register comments, and values.

    There is also the comment tool on the robot's webpage.

    Check out the Fanuc position converter I wrote here! Now open source!

    Check out my example Fanuc Ethernet/IP Explicit Messaging program here!

  • So, only getting those files and update them by hand or adding the comments on the pendant...

    DIOCFGSV.IO for IO comments, and rack configurations.

    NUMREG.VR for register comments, and values.

    POSREG.VR for position register comments, and values.

    STRREG.VR for string register comments, and values.


    I think the comments just appeared in the registers and others after just being read in the program, is that even possible?

    Thank you in advance!

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