I must to make PROFINET IO communication between Siemens S7 1512SP PLC with FANUC Robor R-30iB Plus. The FANUC communication card is PROFINET FANUC board (A05B-2600-S523).
In TIA Portal side, I import GSDML file. I insert PROFINET Stack into Device & Network, and add DI 512 and DO 512 at slot 1 and 2 respectively. By means of TIA Portal I set IP address and PROBINET name to the PROFINET FANUC board.
I connect PROFINET FANUC board to the switch at port 3.
According the manual three files must be created: device1.zip, tic.zip, dev_config.dt
The creation of device1.zip (device1.xml) is clear.
Now I am straggling with creation of tic.zip and dev_config.dt.
For tic.zip you need PLCnext Engineer 2022 software from PHOENIX CONTCT to create file. To do that first you need a .fdcml file, which can be obtained from FANUC file. I made the configuration but in documentation is written that GSDML file for Siemens PLC must be imported. The Siemens PLC is IO Controler and there is no GSDML file! In addition to export GSDML file from TIA Portal, Siemens PLC must be configured as I-Device, but it is not possible, because for that you need to specify another IO Controller.
I also have doubts regarding dev_config.dt. If the .name and .station_id must related to anything from tic.zip configuration?
Any way I did the files, put them in FR:\pnfb folder in system R-30iB Plus, load the configuration into PROFINET FANUC board. There is no errors, but Siemens PLC, shows no communication with R-30iB Plus.
Does anybody make such configuration? Any help will highly appreciated!
Best regards,
Svetozar Yolov