I'm trying to set the i/o on a robot according to an excel form and it makes the groups span 32bits. Is it possible to do this? I've searched everywhere and can't find anything so any help would be appreciated. Thank you
Is it possible to have GI/GO with 32bit size?
Robert Dagenais -
August 16, 2022 at 6:49 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
No, the max size is 16 bit.
Instead you should message the data to a numeric Register. They are 32 bit.
Could possibly combine them using multiple GI GO, to one register. Anytime I have a big number, if I can do some math I'll just divide the GI by 100 or something.
Split it in two 16 bit numbers.
On the sending end ;
GO1 = (your number) DIV 65536 (=2^16)
GO2 = (your number) MOD 65536
On the receiving end :
(your number) = GI1 * 65536
(your number) = (your number) + GI2