I have another short question.
I'm using a 2nd-hand KUKA with KR C2 cabinet and the robot is mounted on an external linear axis.
Is it possible to actively enlarge KUKA "oh i move to my destination point automatically"-workspace?
What does that mean?
Assumed the robot (without external axis) can reach every point within a sphere (technically a "donut") about 2 m around it's center.
If one is saying "move to 1,1,1,2,2,2", the robot automatically use his 6 axes and move to this point.
If one would say "move to 4,2.5,1,2,2,2", the robot would say "x is out of scope"
Now with external linear axis in Y, the possible workspace is enlarged to a "bean".
Is it possible to say "move to 1,7,1,2,2,2" so the robot will automatically using external axis to reach that point.
So far i always have to drag external axis by hand with E6Pos. I would like to get the KUKA using it automatically.