Resurrecting old Staubli Robots?

  • I can hear sighs of tedium already as this topic seems to have come up regularly over the years. I have 2 old Staubli RX90 arms with CS7 controllers that have been stored in my factory for 20 years. One has a teaching pendant and they were networked together by the system integrators (a company called Actis). Their PC (with 5" floppy discs) sits on top of one of the controllers, and there is no other terminal. I have a speculative use for them and so don't have a budget for newer machinery at this point. How could I get them going and would the integrators software have overwritten the Adept stuff? In other words can I get them back to basics?

  • I can hear sighs of tedium already as this topic seems to have come up regularly over the years.

    Yes, it will be a miserable task to do.

    I have 2 old Staubli RX90 arms with CS7 controllers that have been stored in my factory for 20 years.

    Huge red flag here! Hopefully, the oil is still liquid and the batteries, if Duracell, should be good... Just kidding :smiling_face:

    One has a teaching pendant and they were networked together by the system integrators (a company called Actis). Their PC (with 5" floppy discs) sits on top of one of the controllers, and there is no other terminal. I have a speculative use for them and so don't have a budget for newer machinery at this point.

    This could be even more expensive, retrofit is very expensive, especially if you have to buy/repair old hardware... Please have a look at the market, robots are not as expensive as they used to be.

    How could I get them going and would the integrators software have overwritten the Adept stuff? In other words can I get them back to basics?

    First I would personally try to power up the machine.

    If you are able to power everything with no problems it's already a huge win.

  • I'm agree with EIEsgalho.

    Look at the market because i'ts difficult to find part and help on this old machines.

    Look specially about safety fonctionality. Emergency stop and doors signal use one canal contrarily, the new cabinet use two canals....

    The retrofit could be more expensive as used robots more recent (CS8, even if the langage is different and you need to re-write the application) and the result disappointing.

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