Restoring Position Registers

  • Last night an operator used shift and touched up a position register in a program, which has in turn changed the position register. I do have a back up, but I do know not know how to restore the position registers from the back up.


  • The file you want to restore is posreg.vr, my preferred method for transfer is to use ftp. If you use ftp you'll want to put it in the /md directory. I use winSCP and it looks like this under remote directory /md:\

  • The PR may also be recorded as a Reference Position. If so, then you already have the position recorded. If not, I'd go with what AlanL said.

  • I hate the fact that on the Fanuc TP, MOVE-TO is right next to RECORD, so I've done this before, where I recorded over a good PR when I actually wanted to do a MOVE-TO. Is there no way to have it ask for Confirmation on a RECORD? They both require a SHIFT, so that doesn't help.

  • I’ve done this in the past. I restored the backup onto Roboguide and then just viewed the PR values in there. Only helpful if you’ve got access to Roboguide obviously.

  • I did not mean using Roboguide.
    What I did mean is: at the end of every backup procedure, copy all .va files from MD to the backup folder. This is usually line 17 of the MD directory.

    The .va files may be viewed in any text editor or viewer (e.g. Notepad).

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