Hello all,
I am currently trying to setup DCS for one of our inverted/upside down FANUC M10i/D robot connected to R30iB controller. I noticed that on the 4D display the robot is still showing as floor mounted.
I searched and found a thread here which mentions $CELL_GRP[1].CELL_FRAME variable let’s you area flipped robot in 4D view. But when I looked into in through detail, I only found options such as NDB,0,0,0 and XYZWPR. If I further go into NDB,0,0,0 I see CFG FLIP, CFG LEFT, CFG RIGHT. Didn’t help me much as the thread doesn’t explain what to do exactly.
Could anyone please explain what I need to do to see a flipped robot in 4D view. This will extremely help me while setting up Cartesian position check DCS. Also my programs are already taught and only DCS is left to do, would this flipping impact my teach points ?