I'm a beginner and have never worked with Kawasaki before, besides, I'm more into programming than electrics... Now I'm working with KR007L, the controller is F60. I ran into a problem - I can't connect the discret outputs from the controller. I am trying to test the controller outputs by connecting an Omron photoelectric sensor. It has only 3 wires - minus, plus and signal. Before that, I managed to power it from the controller and transmit a signal to the input (when I brought my hand to it, I1 on Monitor1 lit up). Connection is: 0 V (Omron) to 26pin(controller ground) and 6 pin (common); 24 V (Omron) to 50 pin (24 V controller); signal from sensor to 7 pin (1 Input). This works correctly. But I failed to power the sensor from 1 output (for example, 0 V to 30 pin, and 24 V to 31 pin) and then turn on the 1OUT. Thus, there is a voltage between pins 26 and 50, but I can't get it from the output:(
Once again, the task is not to power up the sensor, but to see if there is a 24V output.
Tell me, where can there be a mistake?!
I apologize for my English and thank you in advance for your help.