Hello everyone
Currently i'm programming a robotized cells with an Irb6700 and a conveyor. This cells need to manage different types of products and every one has a different grab position.
I was thinking on how i could organize the rapid code in the best way.
The first thing it came up in my mind is to create a function that return a robtarget "generalGrabPose" based on the product code and then use a single instruction MoveL to this robtarget.
But on the other side, if i need to adjust an offset for the position with the flexpendant i can't modify the single moveL instruction...
I could need a long test-case with different MoveL instruction, so i could change the single offs for every robtarget but i don't like pretty much this option.
Is there a better way to organize it? Or some inbuild function to help me?