Hi all,
Starting my journey with Fanuc robots.
Installed roboguide, created a cell from a robot backup.
Added some obstacles and moved the robot to be in the exact position it should be.
Added a part that will have 4 tools in.
It has 2 clamps and 2 vacuum cups in the same gripper mounted in the flange of the robot.
1. Is it possible to teach a user frame in Roboguide without opening the virtual teach pendant?
2. From the backup, how can I know how many digital inputs and outputs the real robot has installed?
3. After reading posts here, Maketp seems to be the easiest way to compile programs, where can I find it? (I have roboguide 9V installed, but it is not in the FANUC/Shared/Utilities folder).
4. How can I stop the selected program execution from a program running in background (Background logic)? (No PLC here, so no PNS). If I use that method, will the program start from the beginning or will it continue from where it was?
5. Are the background logic programs started automatically? Should I start them from the selected program?
Thank you very much for your help!