I'm trying to write a manual guidance program for KUKA IIWA 7 R800 robot in Sunrise Workbench and I have some issues. The manual guidance mode is working, I can guide the robotic arm by hand, but I can't quit the manual guidance mode. Even when I stop pressing the button that is responsible for it the robot just stops but I can press it again and the manual guidance mode is back on. We are still in ESM2 state and I am getting an error that is prohibiting me from making any movement using KUKA HMI. The program stays in ESM2 state even tho that it should go to ESM1 state as you will see in the code below.
I came to a conclussion that there is a problem with ESM states configuration. I think that I don't have the AMF available that is responsible for manual guidance mode. I also don't have HRC in installed software in StationSetup. I don't know if this is the case, because I am doing it for the first time and I am not sure if I am programming it the right way. I will attach screenshots and code below.
I will be really greatfull for your help!
public void run() {
motion = handGuiding().setAxisLimitsMax(Math.toRadians(150), Math.toRadians(100),Math.toRadians(150),Math.toRadians(100),
.setAxisLimitsMin(Math.toRadians(-150), Math.toRadians(-100),Math.toRadians(-150),Math.toRadians(-100),
getLogger().info("Move in manual guidance");
getLogger().info("End of manual guidance");
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