hi all, im quite puzzled by what happened to our 4600 IRC5, 1 year old, about 100hours of light use.
This morning after a project under EGM control, i switched back the robot out of Auto to Manual mode to jog it into a parking position. I turned the mode switch while the robot was still Motors On, and immediately got a fault “34257 Open circuit in bleeder resistor circuit”. I acknowledged and tried to enable motors for jogging and nothing, same error. I restarted the controller, no error but as soon as i enable motors for jogging the 32A fuse of the electrical cabinet pops and the controller instantly shuts down.
So 2 questions:
- there is absolutely nothing in the operating manual mentioning that the robot has to be motors off to do a mode switch, and if it could literally fry anything by simply mode switching during a run there would likely be tons of people sadly discovering it like me, seems to be that the controller should be able to go motors off just like you release suddenly the deadman switch. Still, is it considered proper procedure to always manually go motors off before switching mode?
- did this happen to anybody else? Is it a common thing? For a brand new robot to go dead on me by simply switching mode has made my confidence in it plummet since its meant for film production use and luckily it died at the end of a shoot and not at the start with a whole film crew and angry producer in the studio..