Help using space function without DI use

  • Hello I'm currently stuck on a problem with 3 Space Checks and 1 robot 200id. The goal is using the space checks to see if the robot is in a dangerous zone when doing an INIT. Each zone has a specific trajectory to get out. The problem i'm faced with his the "Waiting for Space to be cleared". Because now the robot can't even enter or leave the zone depending on the INSIDE or OUTSIDE option. Any help would be grateful as the only thing i need from the space function is the DO to check during the INIT which DO is off to know in which zone the robot is in and which trajectory to execute.

    Any help would be appreciated


  • You can set the system variable $RSPACE1[SPACE_NUM].$NO_USE_DI=TRUE for using a space function without the need of a digital input. Consider that the robot will then not stop in that space.

  • Sorry for the late reply unfortunately i cannot use this code as I'm not allowed to enter the Karel program, is it possible to use a background program to disable the DI option ?

  • Sorry for the late reply unfortunately i cannot use this code as I'm not allowed to enter the Karel program, is it possible to use a background program to disable the DI option ?

    You can use my example line of code in e.g. a background logic task. As dudz already wrote, there is no need of using KAREL for this.

  • Sorry for the late reply unfortunately i cannot use this code as I'm not allowed to enter the Karel program, is it possible to use a background program to disable the DI option ?

    You could also map/assign a digital input to the robots always on rack (Rack 35, slot 1) but I think the system variable suggestion here is a bit more elegant.

  • The OP did not request dynamic control of the feature, but permanent disabling of DI for Space Function.

    Therefore, no need t change the mentioned system variable from the program, be it TP or Karel.

    Just go to the system variables and modify it manually.

  • Ok so I've created the BG logic program but i can't seem to set $RSPACE1[].$NO_USE_DI=TRUE. Can't find the true option, went into the REGISTER statement panel and chose .....=(...), after i chose Parameter name where i typed in $RSPACE1[1].$NO_USE_DI, but afterwards i can't find the TRUE option.

    Sorry for being dumb this is my first time using SYSVariables and BG Logic.

    Any help would be appreciated thanks.

  • Wow thanks everyone for being so helpful it's now working thanks to you all and I've discovered System Variables which i didn't even know existed.

    PS : I'm new to Fanuc Robots

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