KUKA System-Variables mapping

  • Some system variables are already defined as outputs, that just need mapping to a particular address. $CONF_MESS and $STOPMESS, for example.

    But for for any system variable that is not defined as an output (or input), about the only way to "copy" that signal to a $IN or $OUT is to use the SPS. Options like MxAutomation and SoftPLC provide some additional options, but those are somewhat special cases.

  • Some system variables are already defined as outputs, that just need mapping to a particular address. $CONF_MESS and $STOPMESS, for example.

    But for for any system variable that is not defined as an output (or input), about the only way to "copy" that signal to a $IN or $OUT is to use the SPS. Options like MxAutomation and SoftPLC provide some additional options, but those are somewhat special cases.

    Thanks! That's all. :smiling_face:

  • declare this in config.dat:

    SIGNAL testing $OUT[...] TO $OUT[...]

    then fill it with any value


    there you go


    you still need to config I/O Editor so the signal is properly sent but thats the basic

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