Hi all,
I'm getting a System.AccessViolationException on K-Roset. Just wondering if anyone else are experiencing these and know what the cause or solution is.
I've been intermittently getting this error on different computers running windows 10 and windows 11.
It seems to be more frequent when I have an end of arm tooling loaded in as a .stl file.
it becomes even more frequent when I have several robots (4 or more) with end of arm tooling open on a project.
The fault usually occurs when moving the view or zooming in or out.
Is there a limit to the detail allowed in the .STL file? The less detail in the .stl file generally the longer I can use K-Roset before it crashes.
I have played around with the shader options by switching between wireframe and shading. Seems to only happen when I'm on the shading view. I'll be experimenting a bit more using wireframe and only switching to shading when needed.
I am running K-Roset version but I have experienced the same error on version 1.8.2 and 1.8.3
Full fault details:
System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
at MoNo.OpenGL.GL.glReadPixels(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height, UInt32 format, UInt32 type, Void* pixels)
at MoNo.OpenGL.MGL.ReadPixels(Box2i r, UInt32 format, GLDataType type, Void* pixels)
at MoNo.OpenGL.MGL.ReadDepthPixel(Point2i pt)
at MoNo.Graphics.GLSceneContext.GetDepth(Point2i pt)
at KHI.Fortuna.HisuiViewer.Gui.MultiViewOperation.FocusToPosition(IView view, Point2i screenPos, QuadViewPanel panel)
at KHI.Fortuna.HisuiViewer.SceneViewerByHisui.MouseClicked(Object sender, MouseEventArgs e, Boolean snap)
at KHI.Fortuna.HisuiViewer.SceneViewerByHisui.<>c__DisplayClass23.<View_MouseClick>b__1f(Object sender, MouseEventArgs e)