Cannot connect to Roboguide in VMware using socket communication

  • I use socket to communicate with Roboguide, such as:

    class SocketController():
    self.send_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    self.recv_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    ret = self.send_socket.connect_ex((address, 5966))
    ret = self.recv_socket.connect_ex((address, 5967))

    I can connect successfully with Roboguide in my windows system use 'localhost', such as

    s = SocketController("localhost")

    But I cannot build connection when I use VMware in the same machine.

    In TCP/IP protocol of Roboguide, my parameter is 'port1#1 IP addr:', 'Router:', 'OP Panel IP addr:'.

    My VMware network parameter is 'IPV4 address is', 'DNS and default Route is'.

    I found if I try 's = SocketController("")',

    The status showed in Roboguide would switch from 'waiting for connection' to 'connected', but it has error 'unknown command received = 150994944'

    Really appreciate any suggestion!

  • I don't know if this is the case, but I remember Roboguide has some limitations regarding remote access, like try use it through Windows Remote Desktop, for example. Readme.txt file that come inside installation media has a list of these limitations.

  • Why using router?

    In VMware set network to local, set ip addresses for VMware network adapters on both sides to corresponding values. That should work.

    What do you mean 'set ip addresses for VMware network adapters on both sides to corresponding values'. In windows, I can do it simply through setting the IP address = 'localhost', but it seems it does not work in VMware, so could you tell me how to connect with Roboguide when I run code in VMware.

  • (1) On your host system you have Network adapter named "VMWare Network Adapter 1"

    (2) On your VMware system with roboguide you have a Network adapter named something with "VMWare accelerated"

    Set the address of (1) for example to subnet mask

    Set the address of (2) for example to subnet mask

    Now you should be able to ping from your host and from your OP in Vmware.

    Then use address to connect from host to roboguide in VMWare.

  • Thanks for your explanation. But I think I may not describe my situation clearly, I have Roboguide in my windows laptop, and I use VMware in the same computer, and want to run code in VMware to connect with Roboguide. Really appreciate.

  • So you use Roboguide on your computer where VMware is running, and you want to connect from VMWare to your Roboguide on the host (i.e. real computer where VMware is running)?

    Then just change ip address. Connect from VMWare to host using the IP address

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