I'm probably asking a very simple question, but I don't understand why I can't solve the problem. Robot: M710IC Cabin: R30IB. If the switch on the robot cabinet is in the auto position, I cannot move the robot even if the control is on. If I take the key on the cabin T1/T2 to one of the two, I can only move. With which variable can I also give movement to the robot in the Auto position.

R30İB Auto Mode
byrol -
June 2, 2022 at 1:06 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
If the switch on the robot cabinet is in the auto position, I cannot move the robot even if the control is on.
What exactly do yu mean? Are you trying to jog the robot from the TP when Auto mode selected? As far as I know this is only possible from a PC when option R694 (Jog in Auto mode) is installed.
If the Auto Mode switch on the cabinet is selected, I cannot move manually through the robot control. I want to do this. No matter where the switch on the cabinet is located, I can make a manual movement via the robot control.
There is a system variable for jog in auto, but I thought it only worked with remote ipendant as DS186 said.
Set $jog_in_auto = 1
Let us know if that works.
The value you wrote down looked like "0", I made it "1", but again the situation has not changed the robot does not move from the controller in the Auto position.
Your definitions are unclear. Be more specific.
What is "move from the controller in the Auto position?"
Trying to start automatic run from the control cabinet panel (SOP)?
Trying to jog in Auto mode?
Trying to test-run from pendant in Auto mode?
Sergei Troizky,
Yes, you're right, I may not be able to express exactly what I want. When the key on the cab of the robot is in the Auto position, the Pendant does not move to the robot. If the key on the robot's cabinet is T1/T2, then the Pendant allows the robot to move. "Jog in Auto Mode"
You described absolutely normal behavior of the robot- no moving from pendant in Auto mode.
But then you again mentioned "Jog in Auto Mode". What do you try to achieve?
Since the robot's cabin is away from the user operator, the operator can move from the control at any time, even if the cabin is in the auto position. I want this.
You'll either need to buy and install the job in auto option then or move the key switch closer to the user.
But this just begs to ask: if they have access to the teach pendant, how do they not have access to the key switch?
Since the robot's cabin is away from the user
I guess they don´t walk to the controller every time
As DS186 wrote buy that option , but also with that you can only jog with closed fence/doors.
Second solution is a additional little cabinet with the mode switch inside, guess it is called "remote mode switch"...or something like this. It is available in 7,14,21 and 30 meter lenght. Have only the order numbers for R30iA
Last solution: Safety Bus
If you have some safety bus like Profinet Safe you can use safety signals for T1,T2,Auto without the switch.
You can also move the Auto-T1 switch from the robot cabinet to a location near the operator. We run a multiconductor cable from the cabinet to the new location and mount the switch there.
Is there a free physical output available to operate a relay?
So with Fanuc, you can jog the robot around whilst Auto is selected, using the teach pendant?
Is the deadmans effective in Auto mode then?
So with Fanuc, you can jog the robot around whilst Auto is selected, using the teach pendant?
Is the deadmans effective in Auto mode then?
Not from the physical TP. Jogging in Auto mode ist only possible with additional options installed (e.g. Remote iPendant) from e.g. a PC or Tablet.
For this, you have to enable the virtual TP or jog panel with the virtual TP enable switch. There is no deadman. To connect to the robot via Remote iPendant, the robot has to be in Auto mode. The fence has to be closed to be able to jog the robot around.
In my opinion, the easiest solution (with no changes on the software side required) would be to use a remote mode switch with a suitable cable length suggested by rob76.
Not from the physical TP. Jogging in Auto mode ist only possible with additional options installed (e.g. Remote iPendant) from e.g. a PC or Tablet.
For this, you have to enable the virtual TP or jog panel with the virtual TP enable switch. There is no deadman. To connect to the robot via Remote iPendant, the robot has to be in Auto mode. The fence has to be closed to be able to jog the robot around.Thanks for clarifying that DS186
For a moment there I thought you could operate the robot without the deadmans using the teach pendant, which would be totally unsafe.
I assume by this method the robot speed is reduced to a maximum safe speed with the word 'jog' being utilised for the option?
With Kawasaki you can execute direct AS motion commands in a similar way to jogging, which operate around 10% of maximum motor speed, in much the same way.
I assume by this method the robot speed is reduced to a maximum safe speed with the word 'jog' being utilised for the option?
By default there is no
speedoverridelimitation when jogging in Auto mode. It is possible to jog the robot with 100%full speedoverride. We normally limit the override when the TP is enabled in Auto mode. For this, we use the (non-safe) TP enabled signal (and some other logic). This is okay since the fence has to be closed to jog the robot.Jog in Auto mode from FANUC is a nice feature but it is as always, you have to know what you are doing.
By default there is no speed limitation when jogging in Auto mode.
Wow, I would of thought by default the speed would be heavily reduced as the TP switch especially would be nature be in the Off position.
It kind of contradicts the terminology used 'jogging' if that's the case.
Lots of things to consider before using this feature I think.
Like you say, you need to know what you're doing, especially confident with joint/axis directions.
By default there is no speed limitation when jogging in Auto mode. It is possible to jog the robot with 100% full speed. We normally limit the override when the TP is enabled in Auto mode. For this, we use the (non-safe) TP enabled signal (and some other logic). This is okay since the fence has to be closed to jog the robot.
Jog in Auto mode from FANUC is a nice feature but it is as always, you have to know what you are doing.
I accidentally wrote "full speed" instead of "override". Sorry for confusion!
I did a quick test with a real robot to verify this. The speed is definitely limited when jogging the robot in Auto mode with an override of 100%. It looks like it is the same speed as with 100% override in T1.