How do I remove group 4 & 5?

  • You can delete the motors out of the group in controlled start. Without reinstalling core software with the personality you want you will not be able to remove the axis modules to my knowledge.

  • You can delete the motors out of the group in controlled start. Without reinstalling core software with the personality you want you will not be able to remove the axis modules to my knowledge.

    It's possible,

    $SCR_GRP[4].$AXISORDER = 0

    $SCR_GRP[5].$AXISORDER = 0

    Then $SCR.$STARTUP_CND = 12 anc cycle power.

  • Group 4 & 5 are positioners. I would like to unplug the positioners and move them to a different cell with a compatible robot. If I remove the groups like you recommended, should I be concerned about any DTER errors from the robot that I am removing them from?

  • Group 4 & 5 are positioners. I would like to unplug the positioners and move them to a different cell with a compatible robot. If I remove the groups like you recommended, should I be concerned about any DTER errors from the robot that I am removing them from?

    Well... I'm not sure, never tried like this. You can always try and you'll get the answear :smiling_face:

    If the errors exists, you need to delete it from controlled start.

  • It's possible,

    $SCR_GRP[4].$AXISORDER = 0

    $SCR_GRP[5].$AXISORDER = 0

    Then $SCR.$STARTUP_CND = 12 anc cycle power.

    Changing the AXISORDER variable will "mute" the axis (that's my description and my experience). The group will still be able to be switched to through use of the GROUP hardkey.

    Group 4 & 5 are positioners. I would like to unplug the positioners and move them to a different cell with a compatible robot. If I remove the groups like you recommended, should I be concerned about any DTER errors from the robot that I am removing them from?

    Using the above variable (the AXISORDER ones), you should not get any DTERR alarm since you are esentially "muting" the axis. I'm not sure what other effects this may have though, so use extreme amounts of caution if you plan on going down this route.

    My .02c, just do the job right...Take an Image, take an AOA, take a MNT_DATA the software without Groups 4 & 5. I have "muted" axis before, but that's when we're waiting on motor cables from FANUC or something else is messed up with a positioner or w/e. As soon as I can get the axis back up and running I "unmute" the axis. I've ever only used it as a temporary solution to keep moving forward with an integration project.

  • I have no problem with you or your post.

    i didn't mean to attack you. but we are talking about machines that cost tens of thousands. in my personal opinion, you should be careful with variables. there are some that can actually damage the machine or can trigger unexpected motions.

    C_hiney asked:

    How do you come up with the value to put into $SCR.$STARTUP_CND?

    Your answer:

    No idea, somehow test and tries :smiling_face:

    Thats why i am ask why you post variables without to know what they do...

    So it would be realy nice if you can explain us the effect of $SCR.$STARTUP_CND

    We all want to learn.

    Edited once, last by rob76 ().

  • It's possible,

    $SCR_GRP[4].$AXISORDER = 0

    $SCR_GRP[5].$AXISORDER = 0

    Then $SCR.$STARTUP_CND = 12 anc cycle power.

    Hello neighbour1,

    What is the default value of $SCR.$STARTUP_CND?

    I found my value is $SCR.$STARTUP_CND = 12, and it goes into a simulated mode(could not turn servo on).

    I want to set it to default so that I could operate the robot as normal.

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