The teach positions change after some hours by them self. Every position moves up about 2 inches out of nowhere. We mastered the robot, replaced the motor of axis 3 (which is the one that moves the arm up and down), replaced path cpu, axis and shared ram board. Is this a mechanical issue or electronic? Thank you in advance
S10-RH Teach positions change
Jesus -
May 13, 2022 at 2:49 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
The teach positions change after some hours by them self. Every position moves up about 2 inches out of nowhere. We mastered the robot, replaced the motor of axis 3 (which is the one that moves the arm up and down), replaced path cpu, axis and shared ram board. Is this a mechanical issue or electronic? Thank you in advance
First, let's establish what you mean by "teach positions change". Have you looked at the actual values of a taught point position and confirmed that the numbers changed? Have you checked the values of your user and tool frames and confirmed that they are staying constant? Or are you just observing the robot path is moving in an undesired direction?
I would say that most of the work you have done so far is overkill or a complete waste if you don't under if this motion is resulting from physical (very unlikely especially moving more than 2 inches) or a program/frame change.