milling robot. during operation, when the 4th axis is engaged, there is a shift.
the same way when learning an instrument.
milling robot. during operation, when the 4th axis is engaged, there is a shift.
the same way when learning an instrument.
I removed your video link, it was private and inaccessible. Please re-upload and resubmit. You can attach the video directly if it is less than 50mb.
Also, you will have to give more information if you want help. Robot arm model, controller software version, process, stuff like that.
Thank you. Now I'll try to fix it.
After the tool has been taught, a large displacement occurs when the 4th axis is rotated. The same is true for part processing. this happens on two robots. Can this be fixed or are these robots not designed for milling?
Fanuc R2000IB 210F with R30IA rack
Can you post your code?
It looks like you may have an offset on one of the motion statements.
Can you post your code?
It looks like you may have an offset on one of the motion statements.
watch the video, even with a simple movement there is a large shift. I assure you the code is correct (I will send it tomorrow).
watch the video, even with a simple movement there is a large shift. I assure you the code is correct (I will send it tomorrow).
The video Attached didn't really show the issue. From what I could see, you jogged the robot around in tool mode a little bit, and it correctly moved around your TCP, and then you used MOVE_TO to get back to one of your TCP teaching points. This MOVE_TO is a joint motion, not linear, and as a result, the robot dipped the tool a bit on the way back to the point.
As PDL, said the code would be nice, you may also want to verify that the robot mastering and TCP teaching were done correctly. For instance, if you use the 4 point method to teach TCP, what kind of error are you getting?
In the near future I will take photos and a new video to make it clearer. I will also provide the code.
move to I know that it moves like this, the problem was visible at the end of the video after move to
First, you will want to have very good mastering if you want to be able to get decent accuracy when rotating around your TCP.
When was the robot last mastered? Does it still have it's factory mastering?
Here is a procedure to improve the robot's mastering. Always make a backup, preferably an image, before trying to remaster the robot. There is a lot of good information in that thread that is will probably be applicable to what you are doing.
Once, you have good mastering, you will need to have a good TCP.
To repeat Erik's questions, how did you teach your TCP? If you used the four point method, what was the calculated error?
You can mill with an R-2000, but its abilities are limited. Milling wood should be doable, but don't expect to hold CNC tolerances. Absolute global volumetric accuracy will be poor, but it will be repeatable if the loads are low enough. Better accuracy can be achieved, but it will involve measuring your workpiece with the robot itself.
thank. I will try.
mastering was done according to the marks on the robot
mastering was done according to the marks on the robot
Hope you did a quick mastering, not the 'normal' mastering.
Unfortunately, Fanuc's method of using witness marks attached by adhesive is incredibly horrendous. There are much better ways to master a robot, yet Fanuc continues to use this arcane method. Fortunately, once mastered, a Fanuc robot is incredibly precise. I'll finish with that rant for now.
It would still be very helpful to see your program. I don't doubt that it is syntactically correct, it would just help to see the methodology behind your programming.
For instance:
Is it a linear move between two points posted from cad/cam?
Is it a single move between two taught points?
Is it a cad/cam post with points every .1/1/10/100/1000 mm?
Does your program invoke a user frame?
Does your program switch between tool frames?
Does your program use any closed loop feedback? (Aside from the servo loop)
What type of moves and terminations does your program use?
Pardon the phrase, but there's more than one way to skin a cat. Acceptable results can be had even without a high accuracy robot, if you are willing to spend the time to make it work.
Again, sharing the specifics of your application would really help in providing a better solution to your problem. What are your feeds, speeds, tolerances and ultimate goals?
here is the program.
Hope you did a quick mastering, not the 'normal' mastering.
To be honest, I don't know.((
project in robodk
To be honest, I don't know.((
Try again with quick mastering, but I don't know if it helps after doing normal mastering.
There is a learning guide. is it worth using it?
and this
Can you post a picture of your current master counts from the tp screen? They are under dmr_grp in the system variables.
I see that you are using RoboDK for offline programing. You will definitely need to have good mastering first and foremost. Even the factory mastering from Fanuc may not be good enough. I highly recommend using Fanuc's procedure that I linked to earlier.
Second, once you have good mastering, you will need to have a very well defined TCP. A dial indicator will be your friend here for confirming that the rotations about your TCP are accurate.
Good luck, I hope you post your results.