Hello together,
im new in the robot universe including KAREL an i have to create programm which can read a external file and save this values in register.
So i searched a way to do this and found a pdf (document: MARRC75KR07091E Rev L) on fanuc homepage
but i have problems to run this example in roboguide. I can save the programm in any folder but it wouldnt be found.
I added the xml_name file to FR folder successfully:
and changed the path:
I tried some different paths but i always get "file not found" also in the untouched original example.
Now my questions:
1. what is my mistake?
2. maybe someone knows a better solution as XML?
3. and maybe some example to add them into a R[ ]
I would appreciate help and thanks in advance.
Here is a part of the example from this document.
<?xml version="1.0" ?>