How to configure and launch program with PNS ?

  • Hello,

    Here is my problem:

    I'm currently doing the PNS configuration to call programs on roboguide.

    I managed to establish an exchange between UI -> DI -> FLAG via the following configuration:

    UI [1-8]: Rack: 34 / Slot: 1 / Start: 1

    UI [9-16] : Rack : 34 / Slot : 1 / Start : 9

    UI [17-18]: Rack: 34 / Slot: 1 / Start: 17

    (And so on for the other DO/DI/UO configurations).

    -> I manage to visualize the state changes (ON/OFF) of the different I/O via the FLAGs.

    I have configured the UI signals to TRUE

    In -> Menu -> Setup -> Prog Select : progam select mode is on "PNS" and production start method is on "UOP".


    My program is named PNS0001

    But for the PNS configuration I can't put the robot in remote mode "REMOTE".

    Menu -> System -> Config -> 42 : Remote/Local Setup -> REMOTE

    When I set this parameter 42 to "REMOTE" and I perform a "Cold Start" of the robot the configuration is not taken into account.

    So parameter 42 remains on its default configuration: "OP panel key".

    Furthermore, how do I start the "PNS0001" program?

    The basic configuration is as follows:

    UI = UI[1] IMSTP : ON / UI[2] HOLD : ON / UI[3] SFSPD : ON / UI[8] ENABLE : ON


    When I do the procedure -> PNSTROBE -> PROD_START nothing happens.

    Also with UI[6] : START.

    Is this the right way to program the PNS?

    Do you recommend another method of programme selection ?

    Thank you very much.

  • Hey, I know this is old, but a few ideas spring to mind:

    1. If you tie your UOP IN to DI, and DI to flags, that might work. You sound like you're using flags specifically. You can also tie the UOP>DI>MEM bits, and then set the MEM bits through DO. But it sounds like you already have a satisfactory way of sending inputs to the UOP In (UI).
    2. I think UOP might be a Local control mode, not remote. Try leaving your "Item 42 Remote/Local" in local mode and see what happens.
    3. When you try to run a program, you may still see a "Failed to run task/ SYST -007 XYZ is the master device". This is normal, don't sweat itmeans you need to switch control to the local user panel: Go to SYSTEM>VARIABLES>Item 419 (Your item number may vary, but it's a big number like 400) "RMT_MASTER" and set that to 0. Or maybe 1 if 0 doesn't work. Then, test UOP. As a review, here's the basic instructions for PNS execution:
      1. Go to your UOP screen and enter the binary value for your PNS # as usual. For example, PNS0001 would need UI9:RSR1/PNS1/STYLE1 to be On and all the others OFF.
      2. Then pulse PNSSTROBE (pulse means you need to turn it on and off again; the falling edge triggers the action). You should see the program PNS0001 selected in the upper box. Read any errors carefully, they may tell you that Master is still wrong or that you're locked by another task. I leave it to you to work this out, the reasons are numerous.
      3. Scroll down and pulse "PROD START" and cross your fingers. If you're in Auto and there's nothing else going on, you should see your program begin to execute!

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