Access via additionally connected hardware possible through external program? iiwa 14 R820

  • Hello,

    I am a beginner and I work with a KUKA iiwa 14 R820 with Sunrise OS 1.11. Its connected to a PC via X66.

    I would like to control the robot via an external application (MATLAB, ROS or similar).

    What I have managed so far is to approach different points with different speed via MATLAB.

    My question about this:

    Additional devices like a valves or force sensors are controlled via Work Visual and these are normally also switched on and off within a written program in Sunrise Workbench (1.11) (running via a Beckhoff PLC via X65 connection).

    Is it theoretically possible to switch on/off or access these I/O Group also externally?

    With the search I came across the topic:


    Not sure if it applies to me though, as I use different connectors.

    Many greetings

    Edited once, last by stcxkr ().

  • Hello stcxkr,

    Yes it's possible. But you should keep in mind that it's merely using native Sunrise controller with given methods, not by redirecting I/Os to an external devices directly.

    1. You could make use of backgroundTask for ethernet connection.

    2. On your backgroundTask, you will have to make some functions that controls IO from the received message.

    -> Methods controlling I/O are automatically generated as '' if you've selected it correctly while making a project.

    - The code below is to briefly show the concept. You'd have to take care of EtherNetComm and its parsing.

    - I'm not sure if you have @Inject on SunriseOS 1.11. if not, manually initialize them.

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