I am struggling to achieve accuracy in the world frame in the X direction. I have two robots mounted to a linear axes, one on each side of a table. one appear to over read, and one appears to under read in X.
I marked out two points 350mm apart on the table in the x direction and moved the tcp to 10mm above point 1. I bring the tcp to just touch p1 and note down the x pos in world coord system, then come up in Z by 10mm and moved to in X p2 jogging in world frame. I do the same and note down the x pos in world coord system. I know that the tcp has physically moved 350mm, but the word frame tells me I have moved 354.34mm.
I repeated this with the robot on the other side of the table and found that although the tcp had physically moved 350mm between points, world frame said it had moved 346.7mm
This means that when I try to calibrate the UF the robots differ by 7.5mm in X. Its strange because when I tried the same in Y the accuracy was closer to +/- 1mm rather than +/- 3.5mm.
Any help to get these robots moving more accurately would be greatly appreciated!
Robots: CR-15iA x2
Controllers: R-30iB Plus x2