I am a relatively new programmer and have little exposure and experience with Fanuc, robots, and roboguide as a whole. I am learning as much as a can about programming in roboguide but am struggling figuring out how to convert a CSV file in a .ls file for position points in a program. Basically, I want to take a CSV file wiht x,y,z coordiantes (tool point locations), convert that csv file into a roboguide useable .ls file, then import that .ls into roboguide and into a program so that my robot will have those position points for, lets say welding or dispensing around a part in those coordinate paths. If someone could please help me with this that would be awesome, or even just simply helping me convert the csv into a .ls would be a huge help.
NOTE: I have never used, heard of, or programmed in KAREL. I would prefer a way to convert without using this method as I am completely unfamilar with it. If KAREL is the ONLY way to do this, then please provide an explanation for "getting started" with KAREL, i.e what and where to download it, setup, and exporting results into a .ls file.
Thank you so much.