14050 Yumi problem

  • Goodmorning everyone

    i am having some problems with the 7 axis of a yumi 14050

    I try to perform a classic palletizing scheme but in some points the robot tries to go to the calculated position by rotating the axis 7 excessively and to stay in the trajectory it rotates axis 1 sending it to the end of the stroke.

    is there any way to limit or even disable axis 7?

    or some other idea to avoid this behavior ...

    >> SYSTEM_ID:



    RobotControl Version: 7.2.0

    RobotOS Version: 3.0.0

    FlexPendantSoftwareUpdate Version: 1.4.0

    Robots Version: 1.2.0

    Wizard Version: 1.2.0

  • If the 14050 is base mounted often a good idea to avoid this behaviour is to canghe in configuration, topic motion, type robot, the parameter arm-angle reference direction from world y to axis 1. In this way there's no sign inversion of arm angle around when wrist is moving near shoulder around axis y.

    Be careful that if you change this parameter you'll have to teach again your robtargets.

    Good Luck

  • some time has passed and I too had come to this conclusion, thank you all the same for your help. now it works more sensibly even if managing the seventh axis during palletization remains more problematic than a normal robot

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