First of all I want to specify that I work with a CRX Fanuc cobot.
I have to work on a part with a gel application (the part being in the robot's hand, it passes under a gel which is placed on a support and the robot makes the trajectories to go to the passage points and activate an I/O to apply this gel).
I would like to know if it is mandatory and advisable to create a UFRAME marker for this position? (Knowing that there is no flat plan to learn this UFRAME).
Otherwise how can I learn the UFRAME?
(The gel bottle is suspended and pointing downwards, it is placed on an L-shaped stand allowing it to be installed high up).
I know that UFRAME allows the robot to know and work in a chosen environment.
Moreover I know that it is enough to relearn its 3/4 points of reference when moving the work plan.
Thank you for your help.