Is dynamic frames or Master Tool User Coordinates the paid option that i need in order to rotate a displacement frame measured with our touch sense? And if it is, how much does it cost to turn it on? even just a rough idea? I can't believe the boss didn't purchase the option....he'd fork out for octopuz though.
Master Tool User Coordinates
jarm -
January 11, 2022 at 10:25 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
Yes. Dynamic user frame. You need to have coordinated motion also turned on to have a master tool frame.
Shouldn’t cost more than a grand or two. There is no additional hardware needed.
yes we have coordinated motion turned on. thanks for the info.
just an update...
Finally got dynamic frame enabled....loving it.. If you have coordinated motion and touch sense, dynamic frame should be the standard.
Has an issue where you cant modify a shifted point. That option has a compatibility issue and must be turned off so all points need to be taught with shift off and then searches zeroed. Not a huge issue. A little slower stepping through a program as to not activates shifts but overall i'm quite happy with the change. Only real issues was the replacement of the old touch sense macros with new ones so all my searches had to be retaught but I was able to delete a lot of unneeded searches now that my displacement frames rotate with the positioners, and I had to make edits to the shifton instructions to utilize the new userframes.
Motoman guys said it isn't an option they push very hard...The salesman didn't even know what I was talking about when I requested the quote. lol
We originally purchased Euler Coordinates which I never really understood why.
Euler also had compatibility issues with Dynamic Frame so we had to take Euler off the system which honestly didn't hurt my feelings. This is the way it should have been from the beginning.
We originally purchased Euler Coordinates which I never really understood why.
Euler also had compatibility issues with Dynamic Frame so we had to take Euler off the system which honestly didn't hurt my feelings. This is the way it should have been from the beginning.
just for curiosity.
Could you elaborate a little bit the phrase "we original purchased Euler Coodinates".
What do you mean: we can choose/purchase coordinates system? what is Euler coordinates in you robot?
Is possible that you are referring to the parameter that switch the cartesian coordinate system with the polar system?
Could you elaborate a little bit the phrase "we original purchased Euler Coodinates".
The parameter for Euler Angles is turned on with the MultiLayer Function.
Different purchased options will give the user additional coordinate systems such as Synchronous Jogging for Coordinated Motion, External TCP for External Reference Point, etc.
Last time I tried you could not use Cylindrical Jogging on the system. The tcp is defined as XYZ abc.
The parameter for Euler Angles is turned on with the MultiLayer Function.
Different purchased options will give the user additional coordinate systems such as Synchronous Jogging for Coordinated Motion, External TCP for External Reference Point, etc.
Last time I tried you could not use Cylindrical Jogging on the system. The tcp is defined as XYZ abc.
In the end what is purchased is the MultiLayer Function that is used generally in welding application.
I confuse that euler angles with the cylindrical /cartesian coordinates system.
yes it was because we had purchased the multilayer function....which we never used. I tried to use it once but because the fillet weld was oriented in the flat position, the robot had issues with it. Multilayer works better on fillet joints in the horizontal. I can multilayer welds just as easy and more accurately with the touch sense. Someone thought it was good idea but didn't realize it's limitations or how much we would actually use it. It just looked good on paper. If I had known at the time we were sacrificing dynamic frame for the multilayer, i would have said something.