Shortly after Christmas we got a robot set up, calibrated, mastered, the whole bit. Now you can't even move it in joint without it giving a collision error which is insane because its nowhere near anything and it was moving just fine like a week ago when it was mastered. It happens for every joint you try even if you disable collision guard. I was on vacation between then and now so I can't say for sure exactly what was done but the others in my department are no fools so I am inclined to believe that they tried everything reasonable. Not really sure where to start, more likely a controller issue or a robot issue? Any information or leads are appreciated.
Constant collision error with no collison
EPeters1 -
January 4, 2022 at 1:11 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
Additional note: Curiously, no matter which joint i jog the error always comes up as Collision detected G:1 A:3
I'd start by checking what the collision detection percentage is currently set at. Whatever its at, bump up the percentage and see if its still happening and diagnose from there. Can be found in the manipulator section I believe
it is 100%, I would think increasing it would make it happen more, would it not? As that would make it more sensitive
Just attempted at 120% and 50% just to be thorough. No change.
Also tried changing teach pendant cables, just to check and no change.
Is the payload Accurate?
Yes. Besides that, typically payload problems will be a j6 issue not a whole robot issue but its a good thought. Even tried increasing payload higher than whats actually there just as a shot in the dark but yeah no change.
Do you get any movement at all or is the Collision Detection Instant? Could be a brake releasing issue.
Turns out the mount angle was set to 180. Set it to 0 and the problem disappeared. How it functioned before is beyond me though. Mount Angle must have been in error when we mastered it but it moved just fine. Very strange. At least it works now.
And yes the error was pretty much instantaneous
the mount angle must have been inadvertently changed between now and when it was mastered. As a result, the robot thought gravity was in a different direction. Id be faulting if i thought gravity was elsewhere too
Yes. Besides that, typically payload problems will be a j6 issue not a whole robot issue but its a good thought. Even tried increasing payload higher than whats actually there just as a shot in the dark but yeah no change.
Payload can affect more than just J6, at Robot Zero for instance, payload would affect J2, j3 and, j5 more so than j6. In your case I would almost compare your payload to having been a negative value.