Create and save .csv file(excel-10 files) for numeric register in fanuc robot memory

  • Dear All,

    Need help to generate and Save .csv file(Excel-10 files) for Numeric Register in Fanuc Robot Memory

    Will you please helm me out

    Thanks In Advance

  • Do you need the Comments, or the Values of the Registers?

    For Comments there are several tools in the tools section of this forum.

    For Values:

    You can get the NUMREG.VA file by either using Roboguide, or FTP and then edit that offline in to whatever format you like.

    I've also seen some VBA scripts that utilize the same HTML calls that the comment tool of the robot webpage uses.

  • To Expand on my previous answer:

    I went down the route of the VBA HTML Calls at one point after coming across Nation 's response in the following post Change registers of fanuc robot with C# application

    I've stripped down and edited the Attached Excel File (in Zipped Folder) out of one of my experiments with this. The file gets or sets values of different items on a connected robot. (i.e. You can get I/O Comments, Register Comments, Register Values, etc.) There are some really basic instructions on the sheet, but you will also need to enable VBA macros in your excel settings.

    I'm not the strongest when it comes to VBA so it may be a bit clunky, but it works (at least it has for me so far).

  • Thanks for the Answers

    But I have to get 10 Numeric register lets say R10 to R20 and Save values for 10 Cycles in different files ,so need to create 10 files in Robot Memory

    Is it possible??

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