Hello all,
I believe the answer is that the Current Program ID is generated when the program is loaded into a controller. Just looking to use the variable for some Home routine tracking. I initially made my Home program in Roboguide with an older backup of my real robot and was given ID: 2246 for my program I want to track. When I went to my real robot and dumped in the Home program I realized that the ID for the job is now 2259.
So it seems it generates that number per controller...I also tried restarting the robot to see if that number would be regenerated on a restart and it kept the same.
The end goal I'm trying to find here is: Will this number of the program stay the same for the life of the controller...Last thing I want is for the Cur Prog ID of that program to change, then the robot doesn't realize it ran the program and will not run the correct home path.
Pretty far out there topic and I'm suspecting no one here will know the answer as per usual with some of my crazy questions on here
Thank you for any help that may be provided!