IRC5 simulated IO

  • DS186's answer is entirely correct. Moreover, there is a system parameter setting that you can change to avoid this event in the future. Open the control panel, navigate your way to controller, Auto Condition Reset. Select AllDebugSettings, make it TRUE. When switching to Auto, it will unsimulate all IO, return the PP to Main if the calling heirarchy is not based on Main (someone set PP to routine other than main) and set the speed override to 100% if it has been reduced.

  • Lemster68

    Changed the title of the thread from “IRC5” to “IRC5 simulated IO”.
  • Hello guys, it turns out that this simulated signal needs to be in order to activate the CMT power source, is there any way to keep it simulated even on auto mode? I actually set it with a set instruction on the head of each routine but it does seams right thing


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