I am having an issue on an IRB7600 where my main T_ROB1 task will not execute. I am able to jog, but then say for example I try to return home by running PP to main, when I hit play I hear the brakes disengage, but the program does not run even a single line of code. The status never changes to say "Running", but no faults ever occur.
It isn't just a problem with the main program though, I can't run any routine within T_ROB1. I have four other tasks that are all running fine, but they are just for background logic. I'm using RobotWare version and IFWC version 6.08.0134.05. These are the exact same versions and systems I've used in other robots I've set up, because there is a standard template that I load into every ABB robot I work on, yet this is the only one that I have had this issue with.
The system has roughly 224MB of free RAM, and I also tried using a different FlexPendant. The robot was able to execute the main program and auto-home itself with the new pendant, but then later in the day the issue randomly came back. There are two robot outputs from IFWC that I'm getting but don't know the root cause of: doSYS_Error and doSYS_MiscError.