I`m trying to make a download by ethernet , but i can't find a name of the app . If some one can help I appreciate it.

how to make a download by ethernet ? what is the name of the app ?
Bruno G -
December 18, 2021 at 1:14 AM -
Thread is Unresolved
By download I assume you mean send/receive files from PC to Robot. If so you can use any FTP client, such as Filezilla.
Or roboguide, or Total Commander. I use all 3, but like Hawk says, my favorite is FileZilla.
I've used Eric's Robot Backer Upper (ERBU) in the past and have had good luck with it.
ERBU is great. Backing up numerous robots at the same time networked together is a massive time saver.
Note: depending on the robot version, you might have to change server type in Filezilla to DOS with forward-slash separators.
uTorrent. You can download whatever you want, movies, tv shows, apps, games.