Can someone explain how 'Logic Simulation Assistant' works in Roboguide

  • Sometimes I get this error if I keep RG opened for a few days; a restart usually fixes it for me..

    As a temporary (and probably better solution), could you use the 'Logic Simulation Assistant'? I/O simulation is more flexible and saves per program. Under 'Test-Run' tab.


    Is it possible for you to explain how does the "Logic Simulation Assistant" work? thank you very much

    Thanks again

  • From the "Show Help" button: "Logic simulation assistant provides a function to extract I/O signals required for execution of programs and switch their value automatically during" simulation.

    Basically, when you select a program in the assistant, you can go to a specific line in your program and change the Logic Setting of that line of code so that external I/O that is not accessible in roboguide can be turned on, allowing you to simulate your program.

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